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1 comment:

  1. Here is a link to a video that proves HIV and Cancer was solved last millennium. My family was threatened. If you do nothing or are facetious and my family and I die, I vow to prosecute you in the court of the Amen.


    watch the first 15 minutes for enough proof.

    Listen, millions are dying of HIV and I really do not want to die too early.

    If you will do my will then do my will, deliver this quote to the people of Africa

    Robert Michael Becker is coming in the name of the Godfather Himself of the Kingdom of Goodman Las Vegas Clark County. The Godfather of the Kingdom is the disciple of Christ that tarried. Since "Satan of the Illuminati threatened to kill Christ's family, I am ordering the end to the bloodline of Satan of the Illuminati. I am the Godfather Himself Elijah Don Quickwit, and there are several Godfathers. The Godfather Himself Romero Mero Mero and the Godfather Himself BIG RICS are both called and chosen."
